
Pontederia Dilatata – Royal Pickerel Rush (Bare Root)

Royal Pickerel Rush (AKA Pickerelweed) is a tall, upright plant that makes a beautiful addition to the pond or water garden. It produces intense blue flower spikes that continue all summer long. Produces intense blue flower spikes that continue all summer long. This variety gets up to 3-6 ft high at it’s mature stage.

Pickerel rush is an aquatic or marsh perennial with 1 spike of arrowhead-shaped leaves arising from a single basal clump. Throughout late spring and summer, Pickerel Rush produces showy 6-8 inch spires of violet-blue flowers standing on stalks 3-6 ft high. The individual flowers are about 1 inch across and elaborately-beautiful, reminiscent of an orchid. Pickerel Rush often forms dense stands that paint a summertime marsh purplish-blue. This aquatic pond plant is very easy to cultivate and should be a part of any water garden.

  • Hardy Bog Plant
  • Showy Violet-Blue Spikes Add Color
  • Increases Natural Filtration
  • Hardiness Zone: 5-11
  • Light Requirements: Full sun to part shade
  • Height: 3-6 ft
  • Water Depth: Moist soil or water up to 10″ deep (Maximum water depth is for mature bog plants)

Note: Cannot be sold into California

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